Speech Path Consulting – Speech Language Pathology and ESL Consulting

Speech Path Consulting LLC

Learning different terminology associated with interview prep and to land that amazing job are many of the areas we help ESL speakers succeed n their careers.


It is roughly similar to purpose or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an end, which is an object, either a physical object or an abstract object, that has intrinsic value.


Goals can be long-term, intermediate, or short-term. The primary difference is the time required to achieve them.


Presentations and Public Speaking Strategies for ESL Students is an important area to focus on

English Fluency and Job Growth

A recent study on 38 countries by Cambridge English stated that employees in countries like China and Brazil who are fluent in English have better salary packages and promotions than non English speakers.

Important Targets of Learning a New Language



Fluency is a lot of times, when learning a second language, used to describe how fluent someone is in the language being learned. Being fluent, is when someone is able to express, read and comprehend natural speech at a specific appropriate level.


However, when working on speech specifically, fluency is the smoothness of all the sounds, syllables and phrases that work together in conversation. To put it into perspective, a dysfluency or example of a fluency disorder would be stuttering or some type of interruption in the smoothness of the speech.


ESL learners can have many dysfluencies from adding sounds ( vowels – epenthesis ) or just sometimes speaking too fast or prolonging sounds and syllables when not needed.


Structure is simply the word order of a sentence. This is almost always a difficult area to learn for language learners in Asia vs the West and vice versa.


For example, when looking at comparing English to most languages in Asia, the adjectives will come before the noun in English and there are many different or additional word traits such as articles and prepositions that are not in native languages of Asia. This can be confusing when trying to figure out where to place the words in the sentence.


Lets look at some sentences in Thai vs English.

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